4 Benefits of Taking Your Child to Parent Participation Classes
Mommy and Me Classes. Daddy and Me Classes.
Parent Participation Classes
Parents want to give their child the best start in life and know that the time they spend with them is crucial to their development. Sometimes, however, they feel the need to look outside of their own home environment for stimulating activities that will support that growth and development. Here is a list of 4 reasons you will love taking your child to Parent Participation Classes at Growing Brilliant in Natomas.
1. Parent Participation in Their Child’s Learning Process
At Growing Brilliant Natomas Early Learning Center, parents have the opportunity to
play an active role in the educational development of their child. In ourDiscovery Play sessions, you and your child can explore the games, toys, puzzles, and gross motor activity equipment together. There are so many activities available during this time! Your child is sure to find something fun for you to play with together. During class, parents and children sit together while the teacher leads class from the front of the room. Whether it be in a Brilliant Babies class where you will be led in specific bonding and active
play lessons together or a Music Foundations class where you will learn about musical terms together that may be new to even the parents, you get to be an active participant in the learning experience. (We love to see grandparents, aunts/uncles, and nannies bring children to class, too!)
2. Solid, Research-based, Carefully Planned Parent Participation Curriculum
The parent participation program at Growing Brilliant is specifically designed to support your child’s development in 5 key areas: Physical development, intellectual development, cognition and knowledge of the world, creativity, and social-emotional development. Each week you will encounter new lessons specifically designed based on fun weekly themes to support these areas! Music and activities provided during circle time introduce children to concepts such as following directions, critical thinking,
and the importance of daily routines. Self-selected learning centers provide opportunities for artistic expression, fine motor skills, pre-literacy introductions, and sensory activities. Each child is free to choose the activities that interest them most and move between them as their interest directs them! Each activity is planned and implemented by qualified teachers, who are dedicated to and passionate about the quality early learning experience they are facilitating. (Find out more about what to expect.)
3. Access to Professional Early Childhood Educators to Answer Your Questions.
One of the things our teachers love most about our parent participation
classes is the chance we get to share all of the fascinating things
we know about how children learn! Preschool teachers are educated on
topics such as early brain development, helping children resolve conflicts,
encouraging children to try new things, helping children learn ways to
enter into cooperative play with other children, feeding and care routines.
If you’ve got something on your mind, feel free to ask!
4. Making Social Connections In Your Community.
Many parents choose to attend mommy/daddy and me classes because
they are interested in making new friends and community connections for
their entire family! We know of many friendships that have formed
between families that started as friends in class and have become close
relationships outside of our program! We love to see parents exchanging
numbers with each other and making plans to get together outside of class!